Friday, June 22, 2007

Last day in Firenze :(

Today is it. My last day here. This five weeks has literally flown by and I cannot believe that I am heading back home tomorrow. I have been running around town (in the very hot sun) trying to cram in all the last things I want to see and do and buy.
I still have to pack up everything and figure out how I am getting all my fun souveneirs back to the States. The gang is all going out to dinner tonight and I will probably get pretty sad. I have been kind of emotional the last few days. haha Some of us leave at 4:00 AM (me, Beth and Caitlin) so I think I am just not going to bed tonight! We have reserved our taxi and are all set to go...I just don't want to leave!!
This has been such a great month. I love Italy. I love Florence. I love the people I have met. I have loved my classes. I love API. Everything has just been wonderful!! I am so blessed to have had this chance to do something completely on my own in a brand new place! It has been an adventure and has taught me so many things about myself, about life, about other people and about other cultures. OK I am starting to sound like a study abroad brochure, but it is all true!
I am looking forward to coming home and sharing everything I have done with family and friends! It is just going to take a while for me to want to be in the U.S. again! haha


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